Ashleigh Rubix TherapyPlay Therapist and Counsellor

Hi, I'm Ashleigh!

I am a Play Therapy and Creative Arts Therapist working in North West London and Dunstable.

 My passion for understanding feelings and behaviors began at a young age and has led me to work with children, adolescents, and families. My own experiences have driven me to seek understanding and empowerment, which has made me empathetic, emotionally intelligent, and determined to help others facing similar struggles. Becoming a Play Therapist was challenging but incredibly rewarding. It taught me the importance of accountability, being non-judgmental, and self-awareness. Most importantly, it helped me see my potential and live authentically. 

In my practice, I strive to bring everything I have learned into my client work, focusing on their individual needs. My goal is to provide an outlet for conscious and unconscious emotions, support skill development, and create a space for clients to grow and reach their fullest potential.

My Method of Working

I am a client-centered therapist, which means I prioritize putting the child or young person at the center of their sessions and the overall therapeutic process. This allows them to have autonomy and independence over their therapy experience. It is important to me that the child has a voice in their journey, whether through words, creativity, or the language of play. Working in this way enables me to build a strong and trusting therapeutic relationship with my clients. It also gives me insight into what they would like to explore in their sessions and in what way, ultimately paving the way for positive change.

Additional Training

Ethical Standards

"Inside every child there is a story that needs to be told."

Donald Winnicott

Play Therapy UK